Speciality Coffee Beans

We live, breathe and drink speciality coffee. We are helping sustainably sourced, speciality coffees to become the norm for everyone. To that end, we stock a wide range of coffees that we hope represent the sheer diversity of the coffee world. You will find speciality coffee beans from Central and...

We live, breathe and drink speciality coffee. We are helping sustainably sourced, speciality coffees to become the norm for everyone. To that end, we stock a wide range of coffees that we hope represent the sheer diversity of the coffee world. You will find speciality coffee beans from Central and South America, Africa and Asia, that are processed and then roasted in many different ways.  

From the bitterness of dark chocolate, to the sweetness of toffee, the zing of tropical fruits or the mellow hit of nuts, flavour combinations of all types, tastes and profiles are available.


17 products

17 products


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El Salvador


Tasting Notes:

Hazelnut Plum Milk Chocolate

From £9.00



Sparkling Water Decaf Coffee


Sparkling Water Decaf Coffee

Tasting Notes:

Dark Chocolate Cherry Brown Sugar

From £9.50



Bosque Lya

El Salvador

Bosque Lya

Tasting Notes:

Hazelnut Plum Milk Chocolate

From £10.00



The Rich Roast


The Rich Roast

Tasting Notes:

Black Cherry Cocoa Rich

From £9.25



Pink Bourbon | Special Release


Pink Bourbon | Special Release

Tasting Notes:

Grapefruit Praline Hops




Which ground coffee size is best?

Coffee grind sizes refer to the coarseness or fineness of the coffee particles obtained after grinding coffee beans. The grind size plays a crucial role in the coffee brewing process, as different brewing methods require specific grind sizes to achieve the desired flavour and extraction.

Here are some common coffee grind sizes and the brewing methods they are
typically used for:

Coffee for French Press, Cafetière, Cold Brew & Percolator

Grind Size: Coarse

Description: Coarse grind has larger coffee
particles, similar to sea salt or rough sand.

Brewing Methods: French press, Cafetière, cold brew, percolator.

Coffee for Chemex, Clever Dripper, Cafe Solo Brewer

Grind Size: Medium-Coarse

Description: Medium-coarse grind has particles
slightly smaller than coarse grind, resembling rough sand or kosher salt.

Brewing Methods: Chemex, Clever Dripper, Cafe Solo Brewer

Coffee for Aeropress, Hario V60 & Pour-over Brewers

Grind Size: Medium

Description: Medium grind has a texture similar to
granulated sugar.

Brewing Methods: Drip coffee makers (with flat-bottom
filters), pour-over brewers (e.g., Hario V60), Aeropress (with specific

Coffee for Drip Coffee Makers & Siphon Brewers

Grind Size: Medium-Fine

Description: Medium-fine grind is finer than
granulated sugar but coarser than table salt.

Brewing Methods: Drip coffee makers (with cone-shaped
filters), Aeropress (with specific recipes), Siphon brewers.

Coffee for Espresso Machines & Moka Pots

Grind Size: Fine

Description: Fine grind has a texture similar to
table salt.

Brewing Methods: Espresso machines, Moka pot
(stovetop espresso maker).

Coffee for Turkish Coffee

Grind Size: Extra-Fine

Description: Extra-fine grind has very fine
particles, similar to flour or powdered sugar.

Brewing Methods: Turkish coffee (boiled with water
and coffee grounds).

It's important to match the grind size to the specific
brewing method to optimize the extraction process. Using the correct grind size ensures that water passes through the coffee grounds at the appropriate rate, extracting the desired flavours and avoiding over-extraction or under-extraction.

Remember that the grind size can also be adjusted based on personal preference. For example, some espresso enthusiasts prefer a finer grind to achieve a richer flavour, while others may prefer a coarser grind for a milder taste. Experimenting with different grind sizes and brewing techniques can lead to discovering the perfect cup of coffee tailored to individual preferences.